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Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes Summary September 8, 2015
Description   Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes Summary Journal No. 52 September 8, 2015

Date   9/8/2015   Location   County Commission

Time   Speaker   Note

8:52:04 AM   These log notes provide only a part of the official record. The remainder of the official record is in the audio recording of the meeting per Section 2-3-212, MCA. The audio recording is available upon request.
9:00:41 AM Chairman White Call to Order, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Commissioners White, Seifert and Skinner, Deputy County Attorney Erin Arnold, and Acting Clerk to the Board Sarah Gracey.
9:01:21 AM Chairman White Announcement: Reminder to the public that the meeting is being recorded, televised live by Charter Communications and streamed over the internet.
9:01:46 AM Chairman White There was no public comment on matters within the Commission's jurisdiction.
9:02:15 AM Acting Clerk to the Board Sarah Gracey Read the Consent Agenda as follows: 1. Approval of Claims, 2. Approval of Contract(s): Montana Department of Corrections Contract 16-010-PPD for Services to Operate the Gallatin County Re-Entry Program and Facility ($1,922,337); Memorandum of Agreement between Gallatin County and the Gallatin Conservation District Regarding the 310 Law; Federal Aviation Administration Grant Award for the Parallel Taxiway Environmental Project (AIP 3-30-00-77-101-2015) at Pogreba Field Airport ($100,000); Change Order #1 to Contract 2015-336 to increase Total Contract Amount High Country Paving by $5,000 for RID 605 Firelight Meadows Condos ($446,821.40); Morrison-Maierle, Inc 2015 RID Road Improvement Projects for RIDS for 308, 326, 332, 357, 365, 371, 389, 395, and 397 ($183,483) 3. Review and Approval of Minutes Summary for August 11, 2015 and Budget Meeting Minutes Summary for August 12, 2015 4. Semi-Annual Inspection of Official Bonds of Gallatin County 5. Approval of Asset Disposals for Road Department - Bridge 449, 393, 146, and 249 (functionally insufficient) 6. Decision on a Common Boundary Relocation Exemption from Subdivision Review for Van Egmond - Continued until September 15, 2015 7. Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order for Gallatin Motor Company LLC for a Conditional Use Permit for an Auto Dealership in the Four Corners Zoning District for a Large Scale Retail Use
9:04:49 AM   There was no public comment.
9:05:01 AM Commissioner Seifert I move we approve the consent agenda minus item #6, Decision on a Common Boundary Relocation Exemption from Subdivision Review for Van Egmond as that has been continued.
9:05:15 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
9:05:19 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:05:30 AM Chairman White Bid Opening of Construction Bids for Sourdough Creek #12 RID 2607
9:05:45 AM Jack Schunke, Morrison-Maierle, Inc Opened the following bid proposals: Knife River - Belgrade MT, total bid amount was $74,941.00, bid bond received. Bid will be taken under advisement and return September 15, 2015 with a recommendation.
9:07:57 AM   There was no public comment.
9:08:00 AM   No action taken.
9:08:02 AM Chairman White Contract Recommendation for Supplying an Information Management System for Gallatin County Court Services -Continued until a future date
9:08:25 AM Chairman White Presentation into the Record the Names of Firms Responding to the Request for Statements of Qualifications for Architectural Services Related to a New Law & Courts Facility for Gallatin County & the City of Bozeman
9:08:43 AM Procurement/Facilities Manager Nick Borzak Read into record the following sealed bids: A&E Architects, Bozeman MT; CTA Architects, Bozeman MT, Think One Architects, Bozeman MT. Bids will be taken under advisement and return September 29, 2015 with a contract for execution.
9:09:28 AM   Discussion and questions
9:11:04 AM   There was no public comment.
9:11:10 AM   No action taken.
9:11:11 AM Chairman White Public Hearing and Decision on a Resolution of Intent to Amend the FY 2016 Gallatin County Homeland Security Grant Fund to Reflect Receipt of $7,200 in Grant Funding
9:11:38 AM Finance Director Ed Blackman Presentation
9:12:29 AM   There was no public comment.
9:12:37 AM Commissioner Skinner Move to approve Resolution #2015-098, which is a Resolution of Intent to amend the FY 2016 Gallatin County Homeland Security Grant Fund.
9:12:51 AM Commissioner Seifert Second
9:12:55 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:13:00 AM Chairman White Public Hearing and Decision on Second Reading of a 35 MPH Speed Limit Ordinance for Spruce Cone Drive, from Rainbow Trout Run South to Ousel Falls Road, Gallatin County, Montana
9:13:21 AM Deputy County Attorney Erin Arnold Summarized the ordinance into record.
9:16:36 AM   There was no public comment.
9:16:43 AM Commissioner Seifert I would move that we approve the second reading of Gallatin County Ordinance #2015-005 which is a 35 MPH Speed Limit Ordinance for Spruce Cone Drive, from Rainbow Trout Run South to Ousel Falls Road, Gallatin County, Montana.
9:16:59 AM Commissioner Skinner Second
9:17:04 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:17:09 AM   Discussion and Questions
9:17:16 AM Chairman White Public Hearing and Decision on a Resolution Fixing the Tax Levy Required by the Gallatin County Schools for Elementary and High School Districts, Retirement and Transportation Districts Mills as Calculated by the County Superintendent of Schools, Pursuant to Sections 20-9-501(6) and 20-9-142 MCA
9:17:46 AM Superintendent of Schools Laura Axtman Presentation
9:21:25 AM   Discussion between the Commission and Deputy County Attorney Erin Arnold
9:22:39 AM   There was no public comment.
9:22:55 AM Commissioner Skinner I'll move to approve Resolution #2015-099.
9:23:05 AM Commissioner Seifert Second
9:23:14 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:23:23 AM Chairman White Public Hearing and Decision on a Request for a Conditional Use Permit in the East Gallatin Zoning District for a Guest House for Druckenmiller
9:23:40 AM Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp Staff report
9:27:18 AM   Discussion and Questions
9:27:45 AM   There was no public comment.
9:27:57 AM Commissioner Skinner I'll move to approve the request for Conditional Use Permit for Druckenmiller.
9:28:05 AM Commissioner Seifert Second
9:28:17 AM   Board Discussion/Findings
9:29:25 AM Deputy County Attorney Erin Arnold Requested Commissioner Skinner to clarify his motion to include the staff recommended conditions.
9:29:33 AM Commissioner Skinner My motion does include the staff recommended conditions.
9:29:38 AM Commissioner Seifert Second agrees.
9:29:45 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:29:57 AM Chairman White Public Hearing and Decision on a Request for Preliminary Plat Approval for the J&L Subsequent Minor Subdivision
9:30:10 AM   Discussion between the Commission and Jason Karp
9:31:40 AM Belgrade City-County Planner Jason Karp Staff report, noted an error in condition #9 changing "east" to "west". Also, noted there were two condition #20, the last one was changed to #21.
9:41:34 AM   Discussion and Questions
9:42:27 AM Susan Duncan, Association of Gallatin Agricultural Irrigators Board of Directors Presentation, submitted a written copy of her Public Testimony Regarding J & L Subsequent Minor Subdivision, labeled Exhibit A, Item #8
9:53:28 AM Dennis Foreman, Gaston Engineering, Inc. Presentation on behalf of Applicant John and Linda Rabel
9:55:42 AM   Board discussion including Dennis Foreman, Deputy County Attorney Erin Arnold, and Jason Karp
10:04:23 AM   There was no public comment.
10:04:39 AM   Discussion between the commission and Jason Karp. It was noted that the word "gallon" should be inserted after "10,000", on condition #21.
10:06:45 AM Commissioner Skinner I'll move to approve Preliminary Plat Approval for J & L Subsequent Minor Subdivision with staff suggested conditions. With the changes to #9 changing the wording from "east" to "west" adding the sentence that Jason Karp suggested for condition #15 and making the change on condition #20, the second #20, to #21 and inserting the word gallon after 10,000.
10:07:20 AM Commissioner Seifert Second
10:07:34 AM   Board Discussion/Findings
10:11:27 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
10:11:36 AM   Meeting adjourned.